We pride ourselves in the quality of our bags. If your Hynes Eagle bag shows signs of issues such as torn seams, broken buckles, or faulty zippers, we will repair or replace it at no cost to you. This warranty applies to bags and excludes normal wear and tear, accidental damage, and apparel.
What's Covered?
The following product categories purchased directly from hyneseagle.com qualify for the warranty:
- Backpacks
- Rolling Backpacks
- Packing Cubes & Organizers
- Waist Bags
- Torn straps
- Loosening or ripped seams
- Zipped seams tearing off
- Ripped pockets
- Broken buckles
- Broken zipper pulls
- Faulty snap buttons
- Insufficient fabric length leading to holes at seams
- Broken elastic
From Materials To
What's Not Covered?
While our bags are built to last, the Limited Lifetime Warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, improper handling, or accidental damage. The following is a non-exhaustive list of what is not covered:
- Cuts/tearing in the fabric
- Stains or burns
- Damaged fabric (unless damaged upon delivery)
- Scratches on fabrics
- Damage to the bottom of the bag
- Holes in the canvas
- Dirty/worn wheels
- Hynes Eagle bags not purchased on hyneseagle.com
Note: The warranty applies only to our bags and does not cover apparel.
When you purchase directly from HynesEagle.com, you receive full access to our Limited Lifetime Warranty and dedicated customer support. Bags purchased from third-party resellers are subject to their own return and warranty policies, so we recommend buying directly from us for the best protection and service.

If you believe your Hynes Eagle bag has a manufacturing defect, we’re here to help. Simply submit a warranty claim here, and we’ll assess your case to determine if your issue is covered under our warranty. Rest assured, if the issue falls within our warranty terms, we’ll repair or replace your bag to get you back on your travels in no time.

Excited About Our Warranty? Work with Us!

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